People and communities are always at the centre of how care is planned and delivered. The health and care needs of people and communities are understood and they are actively involved in planning care that meets these needs. Care, support and treatment is easily accessible, including physical access. People can access care in ways that meet their personal circumstances and protected equality characteristics.
People, those who support them, and staff can easily access information, advice and advocacy. This supports them in managing and understanding their care and treatment. There is partnership working to make sure that care and treatment meets the diverse needs of communities. People are encouraged to give feedback, which is acted on and used to deliver improvements.
Person-centred care
- We can evidence how we provide person-centred care and respond to the needs and preferences of the people we support.
- We work closely with the people we provide care and support to in order to understand what is important to them.
- We provide consistent levels of person-centred care across our service, ensuring everyone is able to live as independently as possible.
- The people we support are central to deciding and reviewing their care plan. We ensure that all care is planned with the people we support (and/or their families) rather than for them.
- We clearly document any changes that have been made in the care plan and ensure these are signed off by the person (and/or their family).
- We provide ample notice for review meetings with the people we support (and/or their families). This enables them time to think about what they would like to discuss.
- We ensure that every care plan is detailed, person-centred and clearly describes the care, treatment, and support needs of the person we support. Where appropriate, we ensure health action plans are produced.
- We ensure risks and associated mitigations are reflected in the care plan. This includes documenting clear procedures for staff to follow to minimise risk.
- Our care plans include people’s interests, preferences and things that are important to them (including their culture, religion, etc.).
- We ensure our care plans are produced in a way that everyone who needs to use or review them understands them.
- Our care plans include information about people’s capacity and detail how they should be involved in their care and lifestyle choices (including making decisions for themselves or where best interest discussions may be needed).
- We keep all care plans regularly updated and these are adjusted to levels of support required as people’s needs change.
- Our staff are effectively inducted, trained and supervised so they understand their responsibilities around completing, using, reviewing and updating care plans.
- Where relevant, we can evidence how we have engaged with family, friends and advocates with the authority to act on behalf of an individual.
- We ensure our staff – including volunteers and temporary workers - have enough time to read an individual’s care plans and associated documentation (e.g., handover notes) before they commence supporting them.
- Where relevant to our service, the people we support who’ve had a stroke have a structured health and social care review at six months and one year after the stroke, and then annually. This is in accordance with NICE quality standards.
- Where relevant to our service, people who have the symptoms and signs of physical problems are recognised and recorded as part of their care plan. This is in accordance with NICE Quality Standards.
- Where relevant to our service, the people we support who are growing older with a learning disability are involved in developing a plan for the future and reviewing it at least annually. This is in accordance with NICE Quality Standards.
Our aims and values as published on our homepage:
Our aim is to provide an exceptional patient experience, at accessible, convenient appointment times, with clinical experts. We are committed to providing quality care and improving lives. At The Vesey, everyone counts.We treat everyone with compassion, respect and dignity. We value each person as an individual.
We strive for excellence, and that is why we give all patients opportunity to provide feedback through Doctify.
Each patient gets 3 emails with a link to feedback on our service immediately after the appointment, 24 hours later and 7 days later.
Our feedback
For patients unable to leave feedback electronically, we capture feedback within clinic in realtime. We aim to reply to all reviews either positive or sub-optimal.
In addition, periodically we undertake enhanced feedback questionnaires, to understand our successes and challenges, importantly tweaking service delivery accordingly, the results of which are published on our website and discussed at our management meetings.