Exceptional, affordable private healthcare.

Dr Ranjit Sagoo

Health and Lifestyle Coach

Dr Ranjit Sagoo
Professional Registration Number:
GMC 6147268
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Specialises in:


Dr Ranj Sagoo is a UK trained and GMC licenced doctor of over 15 years’ experience. He gained his medical degree (MBCHB) at Leicester University in 2006after which he trained in Orthopaedics and Surgery before becoming a GP in 2013obtaining Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP).


Early in his GP career he developed an interest in Dermatology and completed the Cardiff Diploma of Practical Dermatology, followed by the CardiffCertificate in Dermoscopy. Combining this with his surgical skills Dr Ranj developed an expertise in diagnosing and managing chronic skin conditions, diagnosing skin lesions and performing skin surgery.


As he progressed in his career Dr Ranj felt that there was so much more that we can do to help people not only manage their health problems but prevent them from occurring. Dr Ranj has a firm belief that we are in control of our health and those people that struggle with their health have the power within them to regain that control. We are not destined to develop certain conditions because they are in the family, nor should people feel restricted by their health problems as they are very reversible.

Dr Ranj began to look at health as a complex interaction of multiple contexts of life. Core to his belief is seeing the person as a whole and not the illness that they present with. Developing a deeper understanding of the person, their values, purpose and their circumstances, holds the key to helping them with their health problems.


He began to explore the psychology of health behaviour and the drivers of motivation to change. Dr Ranj developed an awareness of the need fora more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. He developed a fascination with lifestyle and nutritional approaches to health and wellbeing. He has since become certified in counselling, a Professional Coach and NLP Practitioner accredited by the Association of Professional Coaches (APC) and EuropeanAssociation of Neurolinguistic Programming (EANLP). Dr Ranj has also achieved theLevel 3 Award for Nutritional Intervention in Exercise, Wellbeing and WeightManagement with the Association for Nutrition (AfN) and completed the Diploma of Lifestyle Medicine with the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) and is a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician.  


With his Health & Wellbeing programs, Dr Ranj helps clients achieve their health goals by bringing together his wealth of knowledge in conventional, nutritional and lifestyle medicine. Using his skills in counselling, coaching and NLP he helps clients make deep discovery, find alignment with their values and make sustainable life-long change. A true journey to creating a healthier and happier life, not only for the client but their family and loved ones through transferable learning.


Outside of medicine, Dr Ranj is an Award-winning Fine Art wildlife artist, having won the 2022 British Contemporary.Art ‘Artist of the Year’ award. He is also keen on sports and fitness and enjoys playing football, tennis, and kickboxing. As well as this Dr Ranj enjoys travelling and exploring different cultures and cuisines with his family.





·     People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and high blood pressure, who want to take control of and reverse these conditions; reduce reliance on medication and create a better long-term outlook

·     People with autoimmune conditions who want to reduce the immune activity

·     People who want to reduce the restrictions and limitations that their current health problems are causing them

·     People who want to focus on their health and prevent future ill-heath and disease

·     People who have struggled to maintain diets,exercise and nutritional plans

·     People who struggle with stress, anxiety and theability to focus

·     People with low mood, depression, low energy andmotivation





·     Empower people to take back control of their health and wellbeing

·     Help people to align physical and mental wellbeing goals with their core values and purpose

·     Reduce and reverse the burden of chronic disease

·     No longer be restricted by ill-health

·     Prevent the development of long-term health problems

·     Make life-long high impact changes to bring back energy, happiness, resilience and an overall fulfilment with life

·     Empower people with the tools and strategies to take on any of life’s challenges

·     Empower people to help their loved ones make healthy choices with the knowledge they gain

·     Use real health indicators to track the progress and show quantifiable change






·      Firstly as a currently practicing GP with a great deal of experience, all health advice discussed is evidence-based with a person’s safety as the primary priority.


·      Ahealth coaching journey with Dr Ranj, whatever your health and wellbeing goalsare, truly will be a journey of deep exploration and discovery, leading toprofound, life-long change.


·      DrRanj believes that building a strong, trusting client-coach relationship isfundamental to doing deep, inner work and make sustainable health and wellbeingchanges.


·      Thereare no quick-fixes when it comes to your health and wellbeing. We have to dothe work, but what we get out of it is transformational. And not just for us,but those around us, as we can share our journey and what we've learnt and helpto improve the health of our loved ones for generations to come.


·      Mostimportantly: When you work with Dr Ranj, he sees you, as a person first. Youare not defined by your illness. You are a person first, a unique individual,with your own personality, characteristics, circumstances, values and beliefs. DrRanj believes that to get to the root of your problem is to understand you as awhole first.


·      To make transformational change it is fundamental that your journey helps you discover yourself too. Dr Ranj helps you connect with what's really important to you and then together we can start to make significant shifts and changes to help you reach your health goals. These will be life-changing and life-long because they come from within you, deeply connected to matters most to you.
