People and communities are always at the centre of how care is planned and delivered. The health and care needs of people and communities are understood and they are actively involved in planning care that meets these needs. Care, support and treatment is easily accessible, including physical access. People can access care in ways that meet their personal circumstances and protected equality characteristics.
People, those who support them, and staff can easily access information, advice and advocacy. This supports them in managing and understanding their care and treatment. There is partnership working to make sure that care and treatment meets the diverse needs of communities. People are encouraged to give feedback, which is acted on and used to deliver improvements.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
- We empower people to share their views on barriers to care and treatment, and we can evidence what action we have taken to address these.
- We tailor our support to remove any risk of people receiving poorer care and support due to inequalities.
- We effectively mitigate against inequalities in both the day-to-day delivery of care, as well as our longer-term commitment to addressing the root causes.
- Our managers and staff are effectively trained to be capable and confident in challenging inequalities impacting people’s experiences and outcomes.
- We regularly discuss inequalities with the people we support, our staff team and external experts to continually improve how we successfully address such issues.
- We benchmark ourselves with other services to ensure that how we support people to address inequalities aligns with latest good and best practice.
- We work with other partners and the wider community to challenge systematic inequalities experienced by the people we support.
- We clearly document how we have supported people and successfully addressed inequalities to achieve better experiences and outcomes.
- Where appropriate to the care needs of our community, we are proactive in reaching and supporting people from hard-to-reach groups.
- We can provide documented evidence detailing how we have identified and addressed issues that could have impacted people’s experiences and outcomes.
Relevant review:
Our thoughts:
We develop of culture of going the extra mile, that is why we publish email addresses for our clinicians and management team.
We offer appointments out of conventional working hours, we try and ensure all patients have equity in experience and outcomes, and that throughout the journey patients have access to support, help and information that is necessary for them.
In this example, our verified review shows how this made our patient feel, with support from the whole team including management.
We believe this approach for all patients will ensure the best experience and outcomes.